Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 4

Today... was... boring. (And you can tell from this apparent lack of detail that Beth is trying to write the post. She doesn't actually ever manage to be at the apartment when anything interesting happens.)

Jk. Uhm... today (for Beth) was women's conference. Does this mean she attended the conference? Nooooo, no no. She was on campus during the which. For those of you who have been to women's conference, you know what this entails. Lots of questions. Lots of lines. Lots of... lack of bathrooms.

Back at the apartment of awesome, Gros and Erin... did... Gros and Erin things. Like make soup Gros... did some sleeping. Erin did some babysitting. Then she played video games for several hours. (Or rather, she shanked herself some darkspawn.)

Then blue koolaid and cheesesticks happened. Good day.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Ugh. Hope you have access to bathrooms soon. I know how annoying it is when all those old women invade your campus.