Or something... Erin is REALLY not sure what her dear niece has been telling her classmates, but apparently she is something of a deity around these parts. She was greeted by a couple of Jordan's friends today who seemed in awe to see that she was actually real. It was almost like Christmas had come early or something.
Erin does not have the heart to tell them that she is actually really really lame.
Anyway, it looks as though Erin has got a heck of a big reputation to live up to this week.
She feels a bit like Tulio and Miguel... Only not as sexy.
On an unrelated note, Erin is rather cross with her dear friends Gros and Beth for not giving Jack Sparrow her number, despite the clear instructions she has given them over and over again. No matter. With the week they've been having, she's quite sure they'll run into him again, and urges them to try not to forget next time... Not as though she's desperate or anything... Just likes to keep her options open.
Wow, you're a deity. So, what exactly does that get you in Nebraska?
Daily offerings of corn and livestock, and excited thirteen year old girls poking you in the face and saying "Oh my gosh! She's actually real!"
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