Dear Robin, yes, I am making them. :) - Beth
Gros is writing this post because she had a life besides neutering Batman:
Yesterday, Grosland went to her little sister's graduation. It was excellent, filled with bird metaphors (her school mascot is the golden eagle). Such inspiring phrases as "Soar to new heights!" and "Ducks quack, but eagles soar!" were plentiful. It was pretty cheesy, but still cool. Afterward, the family went to dinner and tried to eat enough food to last them 24 hours. (Hurray, Chuck o'rama!)
Then, Grosland got a brand new shiny phone!!! It has secret lights and makes bubble noises when you push the keys, and is - most importantly - a flip phone. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! It ALSO looks very similar to the old communicators from the original Star Trek!

So, imagine this, only silver.
That's my phone.
+ 10 to nerd attacks
That was Wednesday. Then THURSDAY, Grosland had another job interview. She interviewed with some manager named Tyler at Arby's (her favorite fast-food joint). Lo and behold, Tyler seemed to think that Grosland has "a wonderful personality" and is "exactly what he's looking for."
And guess what? He offered her the job on the spot!

Yes indeedy! This is a glorious day!
Grosland responded excitedly, but held on to her professionalism. She told Tyler that she has another interview on Friday, and wouldn't know until the weekend whether that was going to work out or not. Tyler was undeterred, and simply asked that Grosland call him as soon as she knows anything about that other job.
So she still has another interview tomorrow, with "the people" from Utah Lake, and her hopes are that THEY'LL want to hire her. But even if they don't, she has now secured a pretty good job at Arby's.
The long and short of it is this: after almost three weeks of job-hunting, hoping and wishing and praying that someone - anyone - would hire her, Grosland has finally emerged from the bleak and daunting tunnel of unemployment. Finally, she has found a job.
And she is very, very happy.
So that's it. Grosland is home now, and all the roomies are happy about it. Beth is in bed being responsible (poor thing); Erin is on her laptop, plotting a story with her cousin Clearing; and Grosland - thanks to her parents' washing machine - is putting away clean laundry.
All is as it should be.
1 comment:
Poor me. :( Jk, jk. :)
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