Beth woke up after... 2.5 hours of sleep... and kept pretending to be asleep until she had to get up. Then she went to class and walked around in misty-rain for two hours and learned another dozen trees. Then she went to work. And... then she came home and watched Erin win DA:2. Then she sat on the couch for... two hours... sorting pictures and cleaning out her camera. Then she took a short (half hour) nap and suddenly woke up and remembered that she was supposed to be hanging out with Greg, Gros, Ric, and Krista. So she did. They had hamburgers. Yep. Please accept this dry paragraph as a sign that it's time for bed.
Grosland (sometimes called Jessica) slept late as usual, and after a bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch she did some finding-a-job stuff that she REALLY doesn't want to talk about right now. After that, she did cooler things.
1) She got to the Endgame of Dragon Age: Ferelden is united against the darkspawn; she's just had her final goodbyes with most of her party members; and now she's marching into certain death with only her most trusted comrades. The Archdemon awaits.
2) She registered with the American Embassy in St. Petersburg, (*pretending not to be too pleased with how awesome that sounds*). Her Russia plans seem to be moving apace, despite her sudden and possibly fatal lack of income.
3) She had a late-birthday visit with her family. (Her sister just turned 18!)
4) She found Beth in the apartment, looking dead on the couch, buried under a laptop. She roused said roommate and they ran off to Ric and Krista's house to celebrate the couple's new grill. Grosland also learned the game Shadows Over Camelot, which was delightful in spite of the fact that in the end, everybody died rather miserably.
Erin oozed out of bed after three hours of sleep, and went to work, shaking violently with her eyes barely in focus. Sometime during her shift she suddenly had a massive identity crisis, and frantically searching the internet to find a career path that she might find fulfilling. It is a lot harder than it needs to be to find an EMS certification course around here.
Eventually she calmed down, then went home and played some Dragon Age 2, as mentioned above. She spent the final hour or so of the game exclaiming in horror and frustration as all of her enemies, and nearly half of her allies one-by-one decided that they wanted to be utterly bonkers, and they all started doing their part to make the situation infinitely worse. By the end, Erin could do nothing but stand back and watch the country that she had unintentionally screwed over crumble around her. It was all good though, cause Fenris stayed with her after everybody else abandoned her... as whiny as he is, she sho' does love that broody elf.
Then she got counseling from her sister and brother-in-law about what to do with her future.
And then when she got home, she waited for the other two to come, and then th
ey all sat around in the living room, brains slowly turning more and more into jello. And it took Erin a half hour to write a few short paragraphs. True story. The end. Bed now.
And now some visual depictions of right now sans the giggling coming from the couch behind Beth:

1 comment:
Love the baby in the shoe!
Jess, I'll bet you love being able to say that you slept in. I'd say after two years of that job, you earned it!
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