Happy Memorial Day.
We celebrated Memorial Day by visiting the Provo Cemetery. We wandered around for a while, reading the names and dates on the gravestones. There were some happy ones, where old couples were buried together (presumedly having lived long, glorious lives); and there were some sad little ones, for lost children, tombstones that had only one date written upon them. It was a quiet time, a time to think about life and death and love. A time to remember.
It was not all we did today, however. Grosland got that job at the lake (*much rejoicing*) so today she filled out a lot of state employee paperwork and ordered her Park Ranger Aide uniform (*geeky grin*). Beth didn't have to work or go to school today, so she did other responsible things, like cleaning the apartment. Erin put gas in her car (since she keeps having to give Grosland rides) and did some work on her other blog. All in all, a good afternoon.
Since it's Monday, that means we had Family Home Evening again. Only, this time, it was at OUR apartment! (We had some fun times explaining to people our decorations: "Yes, that's a real raccoon head. His name is Marmalade;" "The lava lamp is Grosland's. Do you like it?" and "Of course our TV is wearing a hat!") We played Do You Love Your Neighbor? and learned lots of things about our family. For instance - we have two members of our family who have gone streaking; every single member of our family has seen Monty Python; Grosland is the only member of the family who still hasn't had her first kiss; half the guys in our family speak French; and none of us is from the East Coast. Also, we met our fake mom's mistress. (She's engaged. Our fake dad likes to call her on it a lot.)
This chronicle entry would not be complete without describing Beth's phone difficulties, which came to an amusing climax today. Here is the story:
Beth is a phone loser. She loses her phone ALL THE TIME. About ten days ago, Beth lost her phone for good. She called it, she searched every place she'd been in months, but it was not to be found. After almost a week, she finally gave up and ordered a new phone (well, it's the same model, but it's new . . . you know what I mean). She got her new phone over the weekend, and by Sunday night - guess what? It was lost too. (*Erin and Grosland laugh exasperatedly*) We spent part of this morning retracing Beth's steps in Springville to see if we could find it, but to no avail. Finally, Erin found it under the driver's seat in Beth's car. Hurray! Beth was pleased, until she tried using her phone to text/call some people and it told her that her service was cancelled. She was really confused for a moment before she realized:
It was her old phone. It had been under the driver's seat the entire time.
Grosland and Erin find it rather amusing. Beth seems unsure whether to laugh or cry. (Read her telling of the story here.) She re-activated the service on her phone, so it is happily working now. She'll be able to return the replacement phone she bought and get her $50 back.
That is, if she ever finds it.
1 comment:
Ugh. I'd say, laugh until you cry. Maybe Monty Python will help with that.
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