Funny thing about Saturday is that it's really easy to end up doing absolutely nothing that is in any way productive.
Erin and Beth woke up some time after nine, though it was closer to eleven for Erin (going to midnight movies will do that to you. ) Soon as Erin was up they decided to make muffins. Blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, cinnamon, Lucky Charm muffins, if you wish to know. If you're questioning why, refer to this: Link Otherwise, as Beth would say, "Don't question [us]."
And before you ask, yes, they stayed together, and yes, they were awesome. We're trying again tomorrow cause we forgot some ingredients.
Erin's older sister got left alone with her two little boys this morning while her husband went off four-wheeling with his brothers, so she joined them as well, and her boys had a grand old time removing all the DVDs from the shelf and stacking them on the laps of whoever was sitting on the couch.
Gros didn't get up till past noon, as she was feeling under the weather. She stayed in her room most of the day, presumably reading. When she finally did come out, after Beth left for work, she and Erin had a very depressing lunch of Ramen and Spaghettios respectively.
And then they were on the couch for the rest of the day doing nothing of consequence. .
Good gravy, we can be dull sometimes...
Beth worked at Zubs and learned a piano piece to accompany her bromide and sistinlaugh. :) Then she went home and discussed tactics with her other bromide... that is younger and named after a prophet. Yep.
Sounds like a great Saturday to me (as long as they aren't all like that).
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