Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 27

Well. Gros really blew it this time. Three random men came and sang a love (pity) note to us. But their ruckus made her get up and come out for a moment. So she made some commentary for the blog:

"Uhhhhh... that David guy is never gonna remember my name. Sam graduated seminary. *pause* Mmmm... and I have an awesome battle axe now. The end."

Yep. :) Everyone has begun experimenting with Erin's tablet. 0_o Awesome f'awesome. And... Gros is the best at it. Erin is the best at drawing. So Beth is... in the middle. (This seems to happen often.)

Anyways, church was good. Life is good. And boring. But, hey! What else is new?

Erin cheesy grins and has nothing to say.

Beth hopes to get a new phone this week. And a sexy Sherlock Holmes poster. (Or rather... Robert Downey poster. No offense. Beth LOVES the movie, but that is NOT Sherlock Holmes.)

As Gros says, The. End.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Wow. I guess we file this post under RANDOM, huh?