It was a dark and stormy day. Erin and Beth were very pleased. Gros wanted to punch the weather. (Unfortunately, the weather doesn't have a face.)
Beth was dull. (The inevitable conclusion of responsibility.)
Erin was . . . . with Grosland at FHE! and in the rain! and she made fried chicken!
(On that note, she seems deeply concerned that without her interference, Grosland would never eat anything that didn't come out of a box. Unfortunately, this is probably true.)
Grosland had a job interview which was very far away. She took a bus, and then she walked, and then she interviewed, and then she walked. AND THEN!!!!
It rained. On. Her. Head.
And pretty much everywhere else.
So Erin had to hop in her car and go save the nearly-drowned Grosland. Grosland was very grateful, and very soaked.
THEN, while Beth was STILL being responsible, Grosland and Erin went to Family Home Evening again. They re-learned everybody's names and were taught a fabulous lesson about being grateful for all the freedoms and privileges we all take for granted (like the internet, and cars, and hot water, and being roommates with your two best friends ever). Then they learned a new game - don't worry, it's not nearly as morally-ambiguous as last week's game.
It's called Spaz, and you play it with Uno cards. It's great, and involves a lot of slapping-yourself-in-the-head. But the best part is that you're RACING to slap yourself in the head before everyone else does! There was a lot of laughter, and a lot of flying limbs. Again, this is one we'll have to teach to whoever next comes to our apartment.
Oh! And we forgot to tell you that Erin and Grosland got callings in our new Singles Ward. They're both in the Relief Society: Erin is on the Compassionate Service Committee, and Grosland is on the Activities Committee. Erin has already started fulfilling her calling, and today she went around delivering pick-me-up goodies to in-need sisters in the ward. Grosland is still trying to figure out who her "boss" is, so she can find out what the heck she's supposed to be doing.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, that's all folks!
1 comment:
I learned to play Spaz at girls camp -- when I was about 14! (That was a long time ago, by the way.)
Thank you, Erin, for giving Jess a ride and for feeding her.
Beth, I am sorry you are boring.
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