Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 39

Tonight is the Relief Society sleepover at our bishop's house. (WHaaat?) We're excited for such a ridiculously awesome event. :D

They announced this activity in a combined meeting - meaning that the priesthood brethren got all giggly and sneaky-looks, which the Bishop must have anticipated - so we've come to determine that it's a big setup. I don't know whether to expect the scene from Mamma Mia (Mormon style):

or from 7 Brides for 7 Brothers...

or even something from Pirates of Penzance. (This would be awesome, actually. Alas.)

In anycase, tonight should have been a musical. But I guess we'll see. Wish us luck at being social! :)

1 comment:

Robin said...

So, how did the social-ness go? Any pirates?