Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 49

Dear Jareth,

Today was Sunday. We did... pretty much... Sunday things. Beth took a 3 hour nap. And studied plants. She loves playing piano for primary children. :) Then she had way too much fun reciting scripture mastery and The Living Christ in Scottish brogue. For a long time. While she was brushing her teeth and everything. No life at all, I'm telling you...

Luckily, she's not the only one this blog is about.

Erin got married. He is very attractive. They brought all their children to the apartment and Beth didn't expect them. She grudgingly listened as Erin was spiritual and had to turn the sound off her computer as she had been watching stupid youtube videos. Woe. Is. Her. But it's ok, because Erin's husband is very attractive. As previously stated.

Grosland (Jessica) took watermelon to sick Keziah. (Our Next Door Neighbor.) It was kind of silly, but she can't cook so there was nothing else she could bring. (Not that we're bashing not-cooking-abilities, mind you. Beth and Erin have every respect for her.)

Happy Sunday! Beth has one more final tomorrow and then ... it's officially summer. She will not be in school for the first time since she graduated high school.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Congratulations, Erin. Does he look anything like Jareth?

Jessica, you can bring me watermelon anytime -- even if I'm not sick.